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Striving for





Pupils must be properly dressed in school uniform at all times.

Pre-Loved Uniform is available from the local charity shops for a small charge and also from the Academy, which is free.






Can be purchased from Pinders or the Academy

Can be purchased from any retailer/ second hand outlet

Grey jumper



with the academy logo


Yellow/Gold polo shirt





Grey or black school trousers/ tailored knee-length shorts/ knee-length skirt or pinafore





Grey cardigan





Yellow gingham dress





Black shoes





A bag of any kind



/ book bag with the academy logo 


Please note: Foundations do not need a P.E kit

Year 3 to Year 6 uniform





Only available from the academy

Can be purchased from Pinders or Academy

Can be purchased from any retailer/ second hand outlet

Grey jumper




/ with the academy logo


White button fronted collared shirt (long or short sleeved)


















Grey or black school trousers/ tailored knee-length shorts/ knee-length skirt or pinafore






Black shoes/boots or trainers






A bag of any kind




/ book bag with the academy logo


Year 3 to Year 6 P.E kit

Uniform item



Can be purchased from Pinders or Academy

Can be purchased from any retailer/ second hand outlet

Rugby shirt

/ in Winter




White P.E t shirt

/ in Summer




Black shorts





Black jogging bottoms

/ in Winter




Trainers (any colour)

/ for outdoor sessions




The following are not acceptable:

  • Shoes/trainers with coloured trims, stilettos or shoes with high heels over 3-4cm, sandals, open-toed shoes, sling back or backless shoes. In severe weather conditions (snow) pupils may travel to school in wellington boots but must bring a change of footwear to wear during the school day. Children may wear plain black boots.
  • No hats must be worn inside the school building, However woolly hats may be worn to travel to school and wear at break times in cold weather and caps may be worn during break times in the summer to provide shade from the sun
  • Sensible hair accessories are acceptable
  • PE kit white plain round necked t-short (no logos or images) and black shorts, black plimsolls for indoor PE and trainers for outdoor PE.

The following is not acceptable for school:

  • Hair dyed in bright or unnatural colours
  • Coloured nail varnish or false nails
  • make-up

Jewellery should not be worn, except for a watch (not smart watch) and one pair of small plain ear studs which must be removable by the child for PE and Swimming.

Final decisions about the uniform policy are at the discretion of the Principal.