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Striving for




Foundations @ Thurcroft

Based on the grounds of Thurcroft Junior Academy 

We are open 07.30 - 16.30 term time only

Our Curriculum

Young children should be provided with high quality opportunities that engage them in learning through their play. We will begin by focusing on children’s personal, social and emotional development. They will be encouraged to develop positive relationships with peers and understand the feelings of others. We aim to provide children with natural, opened ended resources to use their skills and imagination to create, solve problems and take risks.  We will encourage children to explore the outdoor area regularly throughout the day to develop their physical skills. Our Curriculum encourages children to; Have a Love for Reading, Be Resilient, Communicate Effectively and Be Respectful. It will reflect some topic based activities, Seasonal changes and cultural differences within the community. Our objective is to embed the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for children to prepare them for future learning and successes. 

The Early Years Foundation Stage is a statutory framework that sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old.

The framework specifies requirements for safe-guarding children and promoting their welfare. 

The EYFS supports an integrated approach to early learning and development.  It gives professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver high quality early education and experiences to all children. 

Communication & Language / Literacy Development

The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. Children’s back and forth interactions forms the foundations for language and cognitive development. Children are encouraged to develop speaking and listening skills and to think independently. These skills can be supported in the home environment, lots of discussions and asking questions as they develop their speaking and reading. To develop your child’s language skills reading frequently with them is a very important way of supporting their communication and language development. Children will take part in regular phonics sessions and we will work closely with parents to support them with helping their child apply this within the word reading process.

In Foundations we have chosen a selection of ‘Core Books’ for children in Early Years. These books are a mixture of classics and exciting new books across a range of styles and genres. During their time in the EYFS children will get to know these books inside out. This will help them use stories, language, characters and ideas as part of their role play, art work, story-telling and eventually writing. Each week children will take home a phonics book to read with their family and every Friday child will visit our school library to borrow.



Though the EYFS children are entitled to a curriculum that is based on what interests them and what they already know, can do and understand. We offer a broad curriculum that encourages children to become independent learners within our high-quality provision. Our objective is to embed the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for children to prepare them for future learning and successes. We understand the importance of our curriculum and how first-hand experiences can have a positive impact of their attitude towards learning throughout their education. As a team, we work closely with subject leaders within the academy to influence a smooth transition into the next stages of their education and ensure children have the best possible start to their education.     

Speech, Language and Communication Development

Miss Williams, who is our trained member of staff runs a booster group intervention, over a 10 week period. This programme is designed to develop the communication skills of young children with delayed speech, language and communication needs. This group also offers children the opportunity to build confidence when communicating to others. Each week children will take part in activities that will focus on developing their listening, attention and understanding skills with a particular focus on expanding vocabulary and communication.

Search the Tiny Talkers website for simple tips and activities.

Follow Tiny Talkers Rotherham on Facebook for more tips, ideas and inspiration.

Information on funding for parents

To check eligibility for funding or more information, please visit

Class Dojo

ClassDojo is an educational technology company. It connects primary school teachers, students and families through communication features, such as a feed for photos and videos from the school day. Please get in touch if you want help accessing our Class Dojo page!

Important Information

Children will need to bring their book bags on Tuesdays and Thursdays for phonics books. They will also need them on Fridays for our weekly visit to the library. Our baking days are Tuesdays & Thursdays.

WOW Moments

As children embark on this educational learning journey we want to recognise and share children’s ‘WOW MOMENTS’ not only in the classroom but also at home. Children learn and progress every single day, we want parents to share anything your child has recently learnt to do or achieved; this can be anything from putting their shoes on by themselves to an award in swimming lessons. Please share these with us however small you may think an achievement is we want to celebrate children’s learning.

In the cloakroom you will find some ‘WOW MOMENT’ slips, please fill one out and share all the amazing things children do. We will also be awarding children these certificates out in session for children to take home and share with their families.

EYFS Stay & Play

At Foundations at Thurcroft we hold a parents stay and play session every half term. Each session focuses on one of the seven areas of learning. It gives parents an opportunity to come into our setting and be involved with their children's learning by taking part in lots of different activities.

Please see 'Dates for your diary 2024-2025' below to find out when this years Stay & Play will take place.

Learning from Across the Year

Our curriculum has been designed to ensure every child has the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to reach their full potential. Our creative and bespoke curriculum reflects our children are provided with the knowledge and skills they need at each stage of the Early Years. Foundations at Thurcroft is dedicated to providing children with experiences and opportunities to help them progress and achieve success.

Enrichment Activities

Foundations @ Thurcroft are dedicated to providing children with experiences and opportunities to help them progress and achieve success. Throughout the year we plan engaging activities for children to take part in that supports learning and support them with future success. These include visit from road safety, visits to local library, planting, oral health visit, theatre visit, parent workshops and African and Diwali dance workshop.

Planting in the school quad

 A visit from Rotherham United

A visit from our local dentist

Diwali dancing workshop

Looking after our very own caterpillars

Our annual Road Safety visit

Admissions to Foundations@Thurcroft  

We are delighted that you are considering applying for a place at Foundations@Thurcroft.

Please scan the QR code or follow the link below to add your child to our waiting list. Children are admitted into Foundations in September and January. Occasionally if spaces become available, we may admit children at different times throughout the school year please note: this is subject to available places.

Please scan the QR code or click the link below to register your interest!

Register your interest link -

Early Years Foundation Stage

Children can start at Foundations@Thurcroft from their third birthday this can self-paid or using funded hours entitlement (subject to eligibility)

To check your eligibility please follow the link

Please note you must have secured your eligibility code and able to provide to ahead of starting date.

Our options on offer are:

  • Monday to Friday full days 9.00am-3.00pm (6 hours per day, 30 hours per week)
  • Monday to Friday half day (mornings) 9.00am-12.00pm (3 hours per day, 15 hours per week)
  • Monday to Friday half day (afternoons)12.00pm-3.00pm (3 hours per day, 15 hours per week)
  • 3 and a half FULL days 2x 7.30am-4.30pm and 1x 9.00am-12.00pm or 12.00pm-3.00pm which includes breakfast and after school club.

Additional hours can be purchased (in addition to funded hours), these can be requested in sessions of 3 or 6 hours and will be charged at £4 per hour (£12 for 3 hours, £24 for 6 hours).

In addition to the provision above we offer breakfast club and after school club.

Breakfast club will operate from 7.30am-9.00am at a cost of £4 per day, which will include cereal, toast and a drink.

After School Club will operate from 3.00pm-4.30pm at a cost of £4 per day, please note we do not provide tea and recommend children bring a snack
