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Striving for





At Thurcroft Junior Academy, assessment improves learning and raises achievement if:

  • it is planned for
  • pupils are actively involved in their own learning (this would include discussions with pupils, individually and in small groups, and the setting of individual targets/ next steps)
  • it is used to adjust teachers’ planning and teaching
  • it celebrates achievement
  • it provides effective feedback to pupils through marking.

 Assessment for Learning underpins our assessment practice throughout the whole school.  Effective assessment and marking of work is fundamental to successful learning and teaching.  

Assessment in Foundations@Thurcroft

Ongoing assessment takes place in all the areas of learning through observation of child and adult initiated activities and by talking to the children. Each child is regularly assessed against the EYFS profile. The profile measures achievements against the Early Years Foundation Curriculum. Children are assessed according to age in months. This means that if a child has well-developed skills they may be said to be working at an age level above their actual age, in months. If a child is finding something challenging they may be levelled at an age below their actual age, in months. Young children develop at different rates and their abilities can change rapidly; this is nothing to worry about!

Your child’s development will be shared at pupil reviews during the Autumn and Spring terms and within the end of year school report. During these reviews, please feel free to ask any questions or share any concerns.

Assessment in KS2

Ongoing assessment includes:

  • pupils’ work – exercise books, paper, posters, oral presentations, performances, photographs, videos
  • self-assessment
  • peer assessment
  • questioning and discussion
  • group work activities

Summative Assessment

Pupils will be formally tested in Maths, Reading and SPaG (Y3-Y5) during the latter part of each term. Y6 pupils will be formally tested in Maths, Reading and SPaG during the latter part of each half term. The assessments will be marked by class teachers and will then be moderated by senior staff. Class teachers will analyse test papers to identify areas of strength / development in the pupils’ application. The analysis will then inform planning for the next half term.  Professional development through the year will support teachers to conduct assessment confidently.

A band of 3A for example is an indication that a pupil is applying the skills in the year 3 curriculum. A band of 3B is an indication that the pupil is beginning to secure the skills in the year 3 curriculum.

A band of 3C is an indication that the pupil can use and apply the skills of the year 2 curriculum confidently and is beginning to practise some of the skills in the year 3 curriculum.nThe consistency of assessment is paramount.

Year 4 Multiplication Times Tables Check (MTC)

This check is for all children in Year 4 and will take place in June. The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12 x 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help us identify pupils who may need additional support. The MTC is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions. Your child will answer 3 practice questions before moving on to the official check, and will then have 6 seconds to answer each question.  There will be links to helpful website and practice tests on the school website.

SATS - Year 6

Once your child reaches year 6 (their final year at Thurcroft), they will take part in a range of Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs). These take place over a week in May.  It is essential that no year 6 child takes any form of leave in the month of May.  All year 6 children in England have to take part in these tests unless they are working well outside of the expectation of their year group. These tests are marked externally of school and the results (plus a standardised score) are given to the school, which allows us to analyse who is working at expected, below expected or at greater depth. This information is shared with your child’s secondary school and you.  Your children will sit tests in a relaxed environment throughout their time in Key Stage 2 so therefore they will feel more prepared for these formal tests. More information with regards these tests will be given when your child is in year 6