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Active Travel

At Thurcroft Junior Academy, we believe being active is extremely important for our physical and mental health. We encourage all our pupils to lead an active lifestyle including how they travel. We teach the children that switching more journeys to ‘active travel’ will improve their health and quality of life and also support the environment. These are ‘win-wins’ that will benefit individual people and the Thurcroft community as a whole.

Active Travel Achievements, Events and Initiatives

We are very proud to announce that Thurcroft Junior Academy have achieved Gold Award for the 'School Games Mark' Mr. Hall has worked extremely hard this year and the gold 'Schools Games Mark' is a reflection of all of the fixtures and competitions we have entered and how active our children are. 

At Thurcroft, all children in Years 3 to Year 6 take part in the WOW - walk to school challenge. Every morning the Travel Tracker Ambassadors record how the pupils in their class travel to school on the WOW tracker. If the children travel to school in an active way e.g. walk, cycle, scoot at least once a week they can earn a different WOW badge each month. The badges have been designed by pupils across the UK and are made from recycled yoghurt pots. Each week, the class with the best results and they celebrate with a trophy.

Jim, from living streets came into school to deliver some training to our ambassadors and we had a visit from strider, the WOW mascot.