Home Learning
Home Learning in KS2
Your child will get the opportunity to change their love for reading library book from the school library each week. In addition to this, they will have a ‘banded’ book of their choice. Please try and encourage your child to read at least 4 times a week at home (and please remember to add a comment in your child’s school planner). Whilst reading, please encourage your child to explain things to you about their book and ask them questions to ensure that they are understanding the text and they can relate this into a different context. Although it is important for your child to read their school books, it is equally important for them to enjoy reading and to read for purpose so therefore please encourage your child to read their home books, comics, cereal boxes, websites, instructions, timetables and charts – all of this can be added into the reading section of the school planner.
Your child will receive a set of spellings once a week in their planners. It is important that you help your child to learn the words/rules/patterns ready to be tested at school the following week. Your child’s score will be recorded in their school planner each week. Please remember that when learning spellings, it is not just for a ‘test’ and your child needs to remember these long- term, so coming back to old spellings is really useful! Children can also practise their spellings on Spelling Shed.
Times Tables:
Your child will need to know and understand their times tables in order to be able to be an efficient, accurate, confident mathematician in the future. They need to learn their times tables in any order and not just as a pattern. By the end of year 4, your child should know all of their times tables (year 3 : 3, 4 and 8; year 4: 6, 7, 9, 11, 12; year 5 and 6 is about applying this number knowledge in a range of contexts). It is important that you work with your child on these times tables regularly at home. Times tables can be practised using Times Table Rockstars. Timestables will continue to be practised during years 5 and 6 – the quicker and more efficient your child is with their timestables the quicker and more efficient they can be when using their maths strategies e.g. long and short division, multiplication, fractions of amounts, percentages of amounts.
Basic mathematical knowledge:
In addition to having secure timestable knowledge, it is important that your child learns and understands other key mathematical facts e.g. squared numbers, equivalence of key fractions and decimals e.g. ½ and 0.5, equivalence of time e.g. quarter to 9 and 8:45. The school’s calculation policy will be available on the school website to help you understand how basic arithmetic is developed and these skills can be practised on Maths Shed – there’s a log-in for this in your child’s planner.
Year 6
A range of resources may be used additional homework to ensure that all children are as SATs and secondary school ready as possible (this will vary throughout the year in response to the needs of the children).
Homework Project
At Thurcroft, we understand each family has their own priorities for completing homework therefore, each half-term, your child will receive a homework project which can be completed at your own discretion either about the topic that they are currently learning about or one of the national curriculum subjects.