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Here at Thurcroft Junior Academy our scheme of work follows the National Curriculum closely, guaranteeing a seamless progression of learning as the children move through school. It is important to us that the children build a historical narrative as they move through key stage 2. We use timelines in our classrooms to document this learning journey – in each classroom you can see which topics have been taught so far by looking at the timeline extensions. This helps the children visualise the chronology of the topics.

Each topic has an overarching big question which children work towards answering throughout the unit. Each lesson is taught and structured as an enquiry giving children the opportunity to develop historical skills - such as handling and examining evidence, sources and artefacts - recall and revisit previous learning at the beginning of each lesson before exploring their new learning. We aim to keep the children engaged in their learning by using a wide variety of sources, from historical information and books, to videos, artefacts and other historical bases. Many of the activities we plan for children during history lessons usually lend themselves to be completed in pairs or groups, promoting discussion amongst peers. When teaching, we promote discussion with engaging open questions and interesting resources which the children can explore.

History books are used to record learning. Children work towards completing their ‘double-page spreads’ which are to be completed by the end of every topic. These are a chance for children to showcase their learning in a unique and creative way. It gives them the chance to revisit and consolidate learning from throughout the topic. Our pupils have said how much they enjoy this part of each history topic.

Our long term plan for history is as follows:


Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Autumn 1

Stone Age Britain

Roman Empire and Britain

Post 1066 Study – The Tudors

Post 1066 – Crime and Punishment

Autumn 2

Stone Age to Iron Age

Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots

The Mayans

Spring 1

Vikings and Anglo-Saxons struggle for England

Post 1066 Study – The Victorians

Post 1066 – The Second World War

Spring 2

Summer 1

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Greece

Summer 2